Thursday, October 30, 2014

Straight From His Mouth

Straight From His Mouth

Mark 1:14-15 ESV

14 Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God, 15 and saying “ The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, Repent and Believe in the gospel."

Sometimes when you hear preachers on radio or podcasts, or when you watch them on tv, or listen to them on Sundays and Wednesdays…..It’s pretty common, in my opinion, to wonder what style of preaching Jesus had.  I mean, we are all to follow Jesus' lead and tell others about Him right? So how did He tell others?  Well, let's see...

Reading the above verse should be a good indicator of how Jesus preached, and to put it in terms we can understand…..the above verses would kind of be like an alter call at church.  Notice no frills, no puffed up preaching, and certainly no feel good about your sin type verbage either.  Plain and simple….Jesus said REPENT and BELIEVE…

Wonder why there is such a problem with the simplicity of salvation.  He didn’t say Repent, Believe, and say 3 prayers per day…or Repent, Believe, and tell your sins to your preacher….Nope, it is as simple as Repenting ( turning from your sinful life, being sorry for your sinful life) and Believing ( grow in faith by Knowing God had a Son named Jesus who died for YOU). 

After we are comfortable with the above mentioned commandments from Jesus himself, we need to pursue a truly close relationship with Him, by reading His word, by prayer, and by fellowshipping with other Christians. 

We should never be comfortable with where we are spiritually…we should always long to be closer to the one who gave His Son.

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